
How to Override Portfolio Templates?

Sometimes you may need to customize the portfolio design or markup. It might be a default Quick View button or a preview bar or anything else. And so we have added a customization support for the portfolio templates. With this feature, the markup of the portfolio can be customized. You can override a portfolio template and add your custom code.

Below are some portfolio templates that are available for the customization –

  • includes/shortcode.php
  • includes/tmpl-responsive-view.php
  • includes/tmpl-portfolio-filters.php
  • includes/tmpl-no-items-found.php
  • includes/tmpl-portfolio-list.php

How to override a portfolio template?

You can override portfolio templates with a child theme. It is recommended to add all your custom code to child theme so that you won’t lose any modification even after updating the theme. Below are the steps to follow –

Step 1: Open file structure of your WordPress website. You can open it with FTP or any other preferred way.
Step 2: From the plugins area visit –  /astra-portfolio/includes/ and copy the template which you want to override.
Step 3: Go to your child theme and create a directory /astra-portfolio/ in your child theme.
Step 4: Now paste the code you copied in step 2.
Step 5: You can now customize this code as per need.

For Example – If you wish to override includes/tmpl-responsive-view.php template, then from the plugins area visit /astra-portfolio/includes/tmpl-responsive-view.php and copy the file. Create directory astra-portfolio in the child theme and paste code into the child theme directory /astra-portfolio/

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